How Much Does Airbnb Take From Hosts? A Breakdown of Fees

Airbnb Host Fee Chart

So, you’re thinking about becoming an Airbnb host? It’s an exciting opportunity to earn some extra income and meet people from all over the world. But before you jump in, it’s important to understand how much Airbnb charges hosts. After all, knowing your expenses is crucial for setting competitive prices and maximizing your profits.

This article breaks down the fees Airbnb charges hosts and answers some frequently asked questions to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding Airbnb Host Fees

Airbnb makes its money by charging both hosts and guests fees for using the platform. For hosts, there are two main types of fees:

1. Airbnb Host Service Fee

This is a percentage-based fee that Airbnb deducts from your earnings for each booking. The standard host service fee is 3% of the booking subtotal (which includes the nightly rate, cleaning fee, and any additional guest fees but excludes Airbnb fees and taxes)." alt="Airbnb Host Fee Chart" width="512" height="512">Airbnb Host Fee Chart

However, some exceptions may apply:

  • Airbnb Plus listings: These listings have higher quality standards and may be subject to a higher service fee.
  • Super Strict cancellation policies: Listings with super strict cancellation policies may also incur a higher service fee.

2. Other Potential Airbnb Fees for Hosts

While the host service fee is the primary fee for most hosts, there are a few other potential fees to be aware of:

  • Software Connected Listings: Hosts using software to manage their listings may incur additional fees from their software providers, which are separate from Airbnb fees.
  • Airbnb Experiences: If you’re hosting an experience, the service fee structure is different. You can find more information on Airbnb’s website.
  • Currency Exchange Fees: If you and your guest use different currencies, Airbnb may charge a currency exchange fee for processing the payment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Airbnb Host Fees

1. When does Airbnb charge the host fee?

Airbnb deducts the host service fee automatically from your payout. So, you’ll receive the booking amount minus the service fee and any applicable taxes.

2. Are Airbnb host fees tax deductible?

In many cases, yes! Airbnb fees are considered business expenses and are typically tax deductible. However, it’s always best to consult with a tax professional to confirm your specific situation.

3. Can I change my pricing to account for Airbnb fees?

Absolutely! You have complete control over setting your nightly rate, cleaning fee, and other charges. When determining your pricing strategy, be sure to factor in the Airbnb service fee to ensure you’re earning your desired profit margin.


Understanding how much Airbnb takes from hosts is crucial for successfully managing your listing and maximizing your earnings. By factoring in the Airbnb service fee and any potential additional costs, you can set your prices strategically and attract guests while still reaching your financial goals as an Airbnb host.

Have more questions about Airbnb fees or anything related to hosting? Feel free to leave a comment below!

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